Mount Ayabe plum grove


Ayabe Sanmei Forest is located in the southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture and at the southernmost tip of West Harima, and the coast of Shin-Maikohama National Park which extends to the east and faces the Harima industrial zone, Ieshima Archipelago in Setouchi, Shodoshima, Awaji Island etc. Many old burial mounds can be seen in the garden in the plum forest which overlooks Shikoku. 24 hectares of plum forest in the huge Ayabe San Guang Ling, 20,000 eyes at a time, plum blossoms with a view of the sea, which is said to be the best in western Japan, Ayabe mountain plum forest soft spring yang, early spring red plumes start to bloom in early spring, the most beautiful It will be a season of full bloom with the scent of white plum blossoms. The peak of the year is around February, with 5 blooms from late February to early March.



Entrance fee Adult 500 yen
Children 400 yen
(With plum juice or sweet sake)
Parking fee Ordinary car 500 yen
Bus 1500 yen

Agricultural union corporation  kurosakibairin Union
Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno City Otsu Town Kurosaki 1492
TEL079-322-3551 FAX079-322-3561